There’s No Prize for Good Girls - Litro Magazine 31/05/2020 Happy Hour at the Pussy Cat Club - Spelk Fiction 27/04/2020 Every Scar Has a Story - Twist in Time Magazine 4/04/2020 Kaleidoscope Girl - Constellate Magazine 23/03/2020 Rite of Passage - Storgy Magazine 15/07/2019 We Are The Storm - Five:2:One Magazine 29/06/2019 Violence in Suburbia in Five Acts - Anti-Heroin Chic Mag 2/05/2019 Why Female Fireflies Fakes Death -Feminine Collective 29/03/2019 Lilith - Spelk Fiction 29/03/2019 A Thin Blue Line - Reflex Fiction 21/12/2018 Little Bird - Reflex Fiction 12/11/2018 Did You Know? - Storgy Magazine 22/10/2018 Coming Home - Barren Magazine 1/10/2019 A Ghost Story - Reflex Fiction 12/09/2018 Things She Packed - The Same 27/08/2018 A Show of Hands - Constellate Literary 26/08/2018 (His)story in A Frame - The Fiction Pool 14/08/2018 Morning Routine - Reflex Fiction 29/07/2018 The Curtain Falls - Ellipsis Zine 20/06/2018 Two Possibilities Reduced to One Reality - Across the Margin 16/3/2019 Deux Contes - Danse Macabre 1/1/2018 The Color of Her Name - Across The Margin 2/11/2017